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Guiding Principles
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Control Environment. The Board and senior management are required to abide by HD Faculty™'s set rules and regulations, and are expected to set the tone at the decision making level that requires them to foster an environment that discourages corruption and enforces HD Faculty™'s anti-corruption compliance program. To create the proper control environment, senior management shall:
Communicate the mission, purpose, shared values, and objectives of HD Faculty™. To reinforce the importance of the anti-corruption program, senior management must demonstrate its commitment by taking the steps cited herein.
Establish clear boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Therefore, senior management needs to exemplify the core values of HD Faculty™ in its daily actions and interactions.
Select and develop the best people. It is management's responsibility to ensure the competence of its people, and to organise, develop and motivate them to achieve corporate goals and objectives. They shall enforce the human resource policies, such as, hiring, training, performance appraisals, incentives and compensation, career path planning, and the like, and ensure that performance reporting, promotion and compensation is linked to risk management and control, including compliance objectives of control.
Establish accountability at all levels of HD Faculty™ for risk controls, making sure that internal control is everyone's business and concern.
Create an environment that encourages the free flow of information and concerns throughout HD Faculty™ in an upward, downward, and horisontal dissemination of information about opportunities, risk factors, and controls throughout HD Faculty™.
Risk Assessment. From time to time as a precondition to our risk assessment, the Risk Management Committee is required to ensure the establishment of clear and concise objectives, linked at different levels and internally, on a consistent basis. The said assessment should begin with the identification and analysis of relevant risks on route to achieving HD Faculty™'s objectives; thus, forming the basis for determining how the particular risks should be prioritised and dealt with.
Control Activities. From time to time, management is required to ensure that steps are taken to strengthen its control activities, and where deemed fit and proper, design and implement new controls to reduce risk levels. The Directors and senior management are required to ensure that control activities occur throughout HD Faculty™ and include a range of activities that include approvals, authorisations, verifications, reviews of operating performance, and segregation of duties.

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